Marvel Heroes is an online action MMORPG aptly set in the Marvel universe. Players start with a second-tier superhero and lead it through labyrinthine levels from an isometric, Diablo-like point of view. Gameplay is solid with exciting combat and nice graphics. Other heroes ‘drop’ from monsters – or you can buy them. The characters appear identical – no matter what equipment you wear, it just doesn’t show. Watching ten Hulks smash a Mole Man goes from sad to depressing in no time. Of course, players can pay to make their character stand out. The game world is huge, but repetitive and with annoying spawns. If you’re not a fan of comic books, Marvel Heroes can be a disappointment. Furthermore, a disappointment that keeps begging for money -- like the drunkard who doesn’t remember that he asked you already, five minutes ago.
Free, with option to pay for additional features.
Play Marvel Heroes now!