Infinite Crisis

Infinite Crisis

Infinite Crisis is a MOBA set in the DC universe. As of now it features 20 heroes with four active skills as well as one passive skill, but many more are sure to be added as the game matures. What’s interesting is that in IC there are some game modes altogether new to MOBAs. For example, the map called Gotham Heights has a cannon for spawning drones (the cannon can be used strategically to great effect); maps have destructible stuff in them, which allows for building hidden pathways; and so on. However, Infinite Crisis is still very much rough around the edges. For example, different items look alike, which makes shopping confusing and slow. There are of course balancing issues and occasional bugs. But what we have here looks promising, and especially promising to those who like playing superheroes.

Free, with option to pay for additional features.

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Tags: Action Game, 3D Game, PvP

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