

EverQuest, the groundbreaking MMORPG developed by Sony Online Entertainment, was first released in 1999 and has since undergone significant changes, including 19 expansions and a gradual shift towards a free-to-play game model. The game boasts an impressive total of 16 classes and 16 races within a continuously expanding game world. The graphics are, naturally, quite outdated (even though they’ve been constantly updated since 1999), but the new, reworked UI sometimes causes complaints. PvP seems off-balance as well, but that’s not what EverQuest is about – as the name implies. There’s a depth to this game few can surpass – the world is full of secrets, and exploring it promises much fun; the PvE is on par with most pay-to-play titles; the community is inviting and helpful. Definitely try it if you consider yourself an RPG lover.

Free, with option to pay for additional features.

Play Everquest now!

Tags: RPG, Fantasy Game, 3D Game, PvE, PvP, Crafting

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